Top 19 Best Plagiarism Checkers 2020 for Bloggers | Updated List

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Top 19 Best Plagiarism Checkers 2020 for Bloggers | Updated List

Are you looking for the best plagiarism checkers? I have shared a list of top 19 best plagiarism checker tools and websites in this article. People do always ask me about how can they check the copyright material on their website? As it is the biggest intervention in Adsense approval now for bloggers.

“Valuable Inventory: Under Construction”, Valuable Inventory: No Content” and the most important “Valuable inventory: Scraped Content” are the primary AdSense policy violation which new bloggers suffer.

Plagiarism checking is the way to get rid of copyright

While writing a post or while creating a page, grammatical and spelling mistakes can easily be resolved by Grammarly. But plagiarism is a bit tricky to tackle.

I am not going to discuss where have you copied and pasted things in your life. I will talk in the context of blogging here. While you were in school, you might have copied assignments and notes. Notes copy is okay but assignments copy is not okay for your teacher. As you know, assignments are for evaluation.

Being a blogger we also face a lot of copyright issues in the entire blogging period. Some false and some right claims. So, to be aware of those copyrighted claims and materials, you need to take help from best plagiarism checker tools.

Before going for the top 19 best plagiarism checkers list, let’s have a look at what is plagiarism and its types. I have also added some FAQs on Plagiarism at the end of the article.

What is Plagiarism?

In general, Plagiarism is “stealing someone’s work and ideas by any means and trying to act as one’s own”. It can also be termed as infringement of copyright, cribbing, copying or poaching.

According to Wikipedia, Plagiarism is the “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions” and the representation of them as one’s own original work.

According to them “Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics”.

These days Plagiarism is a headache for the academics. Students are loosing their marks, they are rusticated from the college and universities, they are loosing their project and even we have seen some punishment cases also.

I am giving you some good examples of Plagiarism which will help you to understand it appropriately.

Some Common Examples of Plagiarism

There is a dozen of examples which will illustrate the plagiarism. I am discussing some common of them here.

  1. Using other’s images, videos, contents without taking explicit permission of the owner. It is a punishable example of plagiarism.
  2. Without giving credit to the actual owner copying and publishing someone else data.
  3. Data copied from websites, books, and other sources.
  4. Even if you steal someone else idea and verbal conversations and if you present them as your own it will be counted under plagiarism.

In blogging, novice bloggers to get AdSense in fast and for some other reasons copy contents from good websites. I am not liking it. Google is also not giving AdSense approval on those websites having the copied contents.

You have to produce your original content if you really want to rank on top and to increase organic traffic. You should know content is the king.

Types of Plagiarism

Commonly, plagiarism are divided into 4 types. Here is the details.

  1. Direct Plagiarism – Copying word by word without giving credit to the actual owners.
  2. Mosaic Plagiarism – If you quote someone else’s work without quotation mark or changing the language (like English to Hindi using google translator) while keeping the structure same then this will come under Mosaic Plagiarism.
  3. Unintentional or Self Plagiarism – It is very common. It says if you copy your own content for own use. I have seen people writing the same article again and again for same keyword synonyms. This is absolutely rubbish.
  4. Accidental Plagiarism – If citing of originality is not done unintentionally or forgotten.

There are some other types of plagiarism alos. You can read more about type of plagiarism here.

Top 19 best plagiarism checkers list

Here I have included the list of top 19 best plagiarism checker tools. Have a look and comment about those tools which you are using. If you found any important plagiarism checker tool missing. Also, comment that to be included in this list.

  1. Grammarly Plagiarism Checker
  2. WhiteSmoke Plagiarism Checker
  3. ProWritingAid
  4. Duplichecker
  5. Plagiarism Checker
  7. Quetext
  8. Copyleaks
  9. Viper Plagiarism Checker
  10. Plagium
  12. Copyscape
  13. Scribber
  15. Plagtracker
  16. Unicheck
  17. Dustball
  18. Plagscan
  19. PaperRater

Plagiarism Management FAQ’s

1. How to write Plagiarism free content?

The best way to avoid plagiarism is to write self content. Before writing do a proper keyword research. Once a keyword is decided then look for good resources. it can be a website book or words by mouth. Get idea from all around and then write that in your own words.

If you are using someone else’s ideas or content cite them properly to prevent plagiarism.

2. Do the contents copied from Wikipedia counted under Plagiarism?

No, you can copy content from Wikipedia to use it in your blog.
Wikipedia contents are licensed under Copyleft ( CC-BY-SA & GNU Free Documentation License or GFDL) it indicates that you can reuse, modify as long as you attribute the source.

But don’t forget to give credit to Wikipedia.

Note: If you copy contents from Wikipedia to fill your blog posts. It will look good but It will not rank on Google and on other search engines. Google doesn’t prefer ranking copied contents. Google always strives for originality, freshness, and uniqueness.

It is also not good for your website SEO. For good SEO you should focus on originality of contents.

Read Also – 10 Advanced ways to optimize a WordPress Website for SEO.

3. How do I know if I plagiarised or not?

If you want to check the status of your website, document or anything for plagiarism then you can use any of the 19 plagiarism checker tools given above to scan your documents. 10% of plagiarism is allowed in academics.

If you are blogger then you should go for plagiarism free content. if not try to reduce plagiarism percent as much as possible. By the way 30 percent of plagiarism is allowed on blogs. But if you really wanna rank. Leave the habit of copying or stealing other’s work.

4. Is plagiarism same as Copyright Infringement?

Yes, to an extent plagiarism leads to copyright infringement later. But in general, Copyright infringement leads to more legal procedures and taken as a criminal offense.

If you get a copyright claim on your website or blog post then Google will remove your contents from the search result. They will also restrict the Adsense ad serving on those posts, pages, and website. in some cases, I have also seen the Adsense disablement.

If you are a Youtuber then three copyright strike will lead to termination of your channel. So, be aware of the consequences.

Copying anything like videos, text, images, logo, trademark, name may lead to copyright and it’s legal procedures.

5. I have found some plagiarised content on my website. What should I do now?

Just chill! It is not something for which you have to start running. Spend some time with your content and rewrite them in your own words. Once done then verify the plagiarimity from the any tools mentioned above.

6. Free plagiarism checker vs Paid Plagiarism Check which one is good to go?

I will say free is free and it will work like free. paid i spaid and it will work like paid. Nonsense talk. But it’s right. Same provider is providing free Plagiarism checker and paid plagiarism checker. Do you know why? because they want to make money of their services and tools and the most important thing is the limitation of features in free version.

Free plagiarism checker don’t have extraordinary features like the paid one’s. So paid one is always good. They might not worth their given price. but that is a totally a different aspect.

7. Do I file a DMCA takedown notice? If I found my content on other’s blog.

Here I can’t say anything. The content is yours. So, better you should decide what to do with them? before deciding anything you should keep the content severity and other important aspects into your mind.

You can use Google Copyright removal which is free and hassle free service.
It also gives you the liberty to file a lawsuit against copyright infringement.

Google Copyright removal tool


Being a Blogger you have to focus on creating fresh content for your audience. So, always strive for uniqueness. Try not to copy any type of content from other websites or any other offline sources. This will help your website in long term.

Thanks for reading.

If you have any query or suggestions, feel free to comment below. i would love to know the list of tools which are you using. Comment their name.

Have a good day!

Comments (4)

  1. Great Article. Your content is best in blogging topics

  2. Unique Baby Names

    Hi, the tools you listed are really great. Thanks for such great information. I am using Grammarly for checking my Plagiarism and for Proofreading.

  3. Thanks for sharing the list of best Plagiarism Checkers. I am using Grammarly.

    1. User Avatar

      Hi, Thanks for your appreciation. Yes, Grammarly is the best tool we have to get rid of Grammatical mistakes, Spelling mistakes, and plagiarism.

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