Top 30 On Page SEO Checklist – SEO dictionary for Bloggers

Search Engine Optimization / WordPress Hacks

Top 30 On Page SEO Checklist – SEO dictionary for Bloggers

SEO Checkup is an Important part while you write a content for your Blog. So, today I have shared ” Top 30 On-Page Seo checklist”. You have to always perform this check if you want to rank high in SERP’s (Google, Bing, Yahoo). Let’s see one by one what are those checklists and How to ensure your on-page Seo properly?

I already have discussed a lot about On-page and Off-Page SEO. You can find the checklist below. I have also shared a video on my YouTube Channel about On-Page Seo and Live ranking. You can watch that video also, in order to understand all the SEO-checkups properly.

This is the prime step you perform When you create your WordPress Website and When you write a content.

What have I shared before About SEO?

1 .105 ways to get high quality-backlinks

2. 20 KillervBlogspot blog Seo Tips

3. How To perform Web 2.0 Submission?

4. Directory Submission process and Sites List 2018.

Top 30 On-Page SEO checklist

Please ensure these checklists while you are writing your content. Do you know SEO totally depends on the way you write your contents? The Plugins Like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO are just helping it to make it better and to perform the necessary check before you make your content online.

1. The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit – You have to always ensure that you write your SEO title in 45-55 characters only. This is a standard length which you need to follow. Look Out the picture below.

On-page seo checklist
Seo title wider than viewable limit
On-page seo checklist
Seo title with Nice length

2. The text contains less than 300 words. Add a bit more copy – This is also a general mistake people do. I always recommend writing poss in more than 500 Words. But it will be more beneficial to you and your site if You write more than 900 words in your post.

You always tend to write bigger contents.

If you can write more and valuable contents than your competitors then it will help you to higher ranking SERP’s.

3. The slug for this page contains a stop word, consider removing it – If you can avoid stopping words (a, an, into, the, on, but..etc) then it will be better for you. Sometimes slugs play an important role in Permalink at that time you can ensure other checks to work better.

4.  The images on this page do not contain alt attributes – While adding an image to your blog, it might be anywhere like in a gallery, blog post, on the page, You always have to enter alt text.

It is also called alternate text.

On-page seo checklist

5. No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated – Always decide Focus Keyword according to your contents you have written. The better way is to decide your focus keyword before writing anything and then write according to your Focus Keyword.

This is a very important aspect of On-Page SEO checklist.

6. No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead – Write meta description for your post. if you do not write meta description Properly then Google will take some part of your first paragraph to show in SERPs.

7. 1 or more subheading is followed by more than the recommended maximum of 300 words. Try to insert another subheading – This step is very helpful to increase the readability of the post. Readability also matters when it tends to rank two similar posts.

8. Most of the paragraphs are too long, which is not great – Don’t write long paragraphs in your Content. It makes readability worst. None of your paragraphs should be more than 150 words. Try to make small paragraphs.

9. Most of the sentences contain more than 20 words, which is greater to the recommended maximum of 25% – Always try to write a shorter sentence. You can write longer sentences but keep in mind it should always be less than 25%. This will also improve the readability of the content.

10. The meta description doesn’t have a nice length – You should always write your meta description somewhere in between 250-340 words. if you write more google will trim this while showing in search results.

11. Your Post doesn’t have any image, try to consider at least one – Yes embedding an image, infographics, and video in Post gives it a nice look as well as it makes a content richer. So always use at least one image with proper alt text.

12. keyword Density (2-2.5%) – Try to embed your keyword while you are writing your post. keyword Density should be near to 4%. You have to your keyword in the first paragraph of your copy as well as in between the contents.

13. The first paragraph of the post doesn’t contain Focus keyword – Always use focus keyword in the first paragraph. You can use keyword related tag also. it will help Google to understand your content and Will also Show in search results.

You can see while searching on Google search terms are highlighted in meta description of search results

14. The images on this page do not have alt attributes containing the focus keyword – always use at least one image and use image alt tags as Post focus keyword to avoid this On-page Seo Mistake.

15. The meta description does not contain the focus keyword – You have to use your focus keyword in the meta description of this post.

More On-Page SEO Checklist to read

16. Unique keyword – For each post, you write for your blog, always use a unique keyword which you have not chosen.

17. Slug length – The length of the slug mostly depends on the length of focus keyword so, keep slug shorter.

18. Slug does not contain focus keyword – It is also a mandatory actionable SEO checkup where you have to use your keyword in the URL of the post. So, Include the focus keyword In the URL of the post.

19. No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate – You always have to relate your content to the previous one. So Interlinking is important. When you are writing your content you can take a look at your previous posts.

The best to do it is You can install Yoast Seo plugin, it will show you which previous post you can interlink in the content.

20. Seo Title – Always create a Seo title.

21. SEO title does not contain Focus keyword – You have to use your keyword in the SEO title.

22. Post keyword not used in the First Part Of SEO title – This error occurs when You have a small keyword to target. So, it is recommended to use your keyword in the first part of your Title.

On-page seo checklist

23. Prominent keywords – prominent keyword is very important. You know when plugins Like Yoast SEO analyses your content, it also gives a brief summary of the keywords which are used most no of times in the post.

You prominent keyword should match the post keyword. if not so, manage them or re-write them to match.

24. H1 and H2 Heading – Use at least one H1 and One H2 Heading.

25. You have Not Use Your Main Keyword in Heading and Subheadings– You should always add your main keyword to your H1 heading and If you more headings then also try to use your keyword in More than One heading

26. Consider the Outbound Links  – With Internal Linking, You also have to focus on outer links, Like If you are writing your content and If you found something very similar or interesting On Other Blog, then You can use their link.

You can also use the outbound link as a Source. There are many ways to use it.

27 No of Links on a Page – You should not use more than 100 links (inbound+Outbound) On a single page or post.

28. CornerStone Articles linking – You Know there is some post on your Blog, on Which you can feel proud and You want to show that [post to every visitor. These type of post are called Cornerstone article/post.

In Yoast Seo, You have the option to assign a post “cornerstone”.

So, Always interlink Your Corner Stone articles in a new post.

On-page seo checklist

29. Add Keyword to feature Image – You should always add your keywords to the featured Image of the content in order to receive traffic via image search. After Content Search, people mostly search images on Google.

So always use images with clear explanation and try to add the main keyword in alt text and your website or brand name in image explanation.

Rather than using an old or copyrighted image from the Internet, you can create your own image. it will be very beneficial for you.

Go to Google and try “Okey Ravi” in image search see what is there.

30. Rich Media/ Rich Content– Always try to give amazing content to the readers. Add infographics with your site name in the bottom. This will also help you to get backlinks.

Now you must be thinking why so, yes When people copy your infographics, Somehow they will promote you via website name or giving your name as a source.

You can ask them if they don\t give you any credit. Although it’s your content.

Use proper image and use youtube or your own tutorial video if needed.

Some Bonus On-Page SEO Points

31. You should always write a paragraph less than 150 words. Never Write Long Paragraph. It will ruin your readability.

32. Under One Subheading or Heading there should not be more than 250 words. try to include more headings and subheadings.

33. Do You Know, If you use your Keyword in the H2 tag then, Chances of ranking will be more? So Use your Focus keyword In at least one H2 headings.

34. You know you always have to use a featured image in the post and always add your main keyword on the featured image. It will help in image ranking and ultimately your post view will increase.

Okey Ravi’s View on On-Page SEO Checklist

Hello Visitors, Thanks for reading this Cool and amazing article about  “Top 30 On-Page SEO Checklist “. I hope this will help you to get your on-page SEO on the track. If You have any query then you can comment below.

If You need a clear explanation of these all top On-page Seo Checklist then You can Buy my Full Blogging Course. It will be very beneficial for you.

Comments (18)

  1. gopal sharma

    Very useful SEO tips for every blogger.

    1. Thanks Gopal.

  2. Raju

    Tq sir for sharing your knowledge with us…
    I also apply these technique on my education blog and I have seen result.
    I have viwed your seo playlist on YouTube.
    Very nice sir

  3. Great checklist sir. Kindly, add more new factors in this list.

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    1. Thanks for your appreciation. I am glad to hear that.

  5. Thank You So Much For these helpful Articles. It will come handy ? Again a very good job Done Ravi sir?


    Thank You So Much For these helpful Articles. It will come handy? Again a very good job Done Ravi sir?

  7. great article for on page SEO. learned a lot. thanks for sharing the post.

  8. Hey
    Very nice blog. This is very informative and helpful. Thanks for sharing this post.

    1. Hey, thanks. Follow these all SEO tips and tricks to improve your blog performance.

  9. soumya

    Excellent article. Very helpful for learners.
    Keep posting more.

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    1. Yah sure, contact me on Whatsapp 7500479470

  11. Useful information.


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    1. Thank Your Sir, keep visiting. You will get a lot of crazy stuffs for SEO

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