How to Rank a Keyword in 10 Steps? Contents+SEO+Promotion

Search Engine Optimization / Make Money Online / WordPress Hacks

How to Rank a Keyword in 10 Steps? Contents+SEO+Promotion

Do you want to rank a keyword and Don’t know how to rank a keyword in Serch Engines Like Google, Bing, Yahoo? Well, Keyword ranking is not as tough as you think. Ranking a keyword requires a simple set of efforts which you need to perform.

In this article, I will tell You How to rank a keyword in 10 amazing Step? So, have a look an enjoy!!!

What do you need to have Before Ranking a Keyword?

Here, I am going little off topic but It is necessary. if you want to rank a keyword In Serp’s then You must have knowledge of these things-

1. How to create a Website? or You should have a website designed by somebody else.

2. You should have Knowledge On-Page Seo Tips and techniques.

Read NowTop 30 On-page Seo Checklist with Bonus Seo Tips

3. Along With On-Page SEO, Off- Page SEO knowledge is also required. like – Web 2.0 Submission, Directory Submission, Guest posting and all.

4. Google Webmaster excellency is also needed.

5. Keyword searching and Planning, Competitors analysis are also an important part.

I will discuss some of them here, rest you can read on my Blog section.

How to Rank a keyword? 

Here are the 10 steps which you need to follow to rank a Keyword in Serp’s. See, keyword ranking is a repetitive process. It is not like, Once you ranked you done. After Ranking you need to leave a thread there to see the ups and downs in your ranking.

And According to the measures you need to take an action to maintain your ranking drop.

If You are a new Blogger then it might take some time to rank, but if you take content marketing and SEO seriously, then you can make these things happen for sure.

Step 1: Lay the Groundwork

Well, this is a pre-step and you might have hard “Make You Foundation better if You want to Go Long”. 

So, You must have a good website. it all about the age of website, Domain Authority, Page Authority, URL rating and Domain rating and stuffs like this.

If You work on these all things your website will grow very soon. But, It’s all time taking and need a lot of efforts.  It’s also key that your entire site follows SEO best practices – start with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines if you don’t know what that means.

A pre-Build Network – If You are in Blogging Profession You always need to focus on building your own network.

It might be a YouTube Channel.

It may be a Facebook group or Page or It may be followers on Instagram.

All You need to do is get an audience for yourself, who loves you, who loves your content or who loves your blog post.

Now you need to think link Building as a relationship Building.

Get into all networks. Leave your footprint on the internet by answering on Quora and on Forums, by commenting on Blogs Forums or on Youtube Channel.

Because Each and every activity will affect your Blog Post.

Ranking will be easier If you have a pre-built network. if don’t start building today.

Step 2: Do Your Initial Keyword Research

The First Import Step to rank a keyword is to find proper Focus keyword, which you want to rank. You can free tool Like Google Keywords Planner (Under Google Adwords) to Find out relevant keyword and to see keyword volume during a period or for the entire period in any country.

Here are the things which you can do-

1. Choosing a keyword with good volume, but not too much volume – In general, you don’t want to target a keyword that has low relative search volume, if there’s an equivalent term that is much more popular.

For example, There are comparatively twice searches for “government Jobs” rather than “Sarkari jobs”.

However, don’t always automatically go for the keyword with the highest volume; some keywords are simply too competitive and not worth your time.

2. Choosing a keyword that’s relevant to your business model – You’re more likely to succeed in ranking for a keyword if the term is relevant to your site and your business.

You’re also more likely to get some real return on your ranking – remember that rankings in and of themselves aren’t particularly valuable unless they’re driving worthwhile traffic and leads.

For example, a Wedding planning business might target “Wedding Planner” – but “How to plan a Wedding?” isn’t really going to be relevant to them or their target audience.

How To rank a keyword

3. At this stage of the process, you should also make a list of close variations on your primary keyword. These will be helpful in writing and optimizing your content later on.

Step 3: Check Out the Competition

Once you’ve settled on a keyword, then do a little search on Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo and See what your Competitors are doing. You need to See these all relevant stuff –

The domains and URLs – How many are exact match domains? Does every URL in the top 10 include the keyword?

The titles – How your competitors have incorporated keyword and tags in the title.

The type of content that’s ranking – Product pages? Blog posts? Videos? Website

Meta description Analysis– You also need to focus on how they have written their meta description.

The types of businesses that are ranking – Are they huge brands? Small businesses? News sites? New Bloggers

How authoritative those sites are – You can check DA/PA, UR/Dr, and Backlinks of those sites.

You’re looking for ways that you can differentiate yourself. Now you have to do more than your competitors are doing. Like – Write amazing pieces of stuff than your competitor, build more links than them, Work On increasing your DA/PA.

Step 4: Consider Intent

You should be specific toward your keyword. Try and Focus On long-tail keywords because easier it is easier to gauge the searcher’s intent, and the easier it will be to serve up what those searchers are probably looking for.

In search marketing, “intent” is our best guess at what the person using the search query really wants.

Consider the following keywords and notice how much easier it is to guess the intent from the words alone as you go down the list:

  1. glasses
  2. eyeglasses
  3. discount on eyeglasses
  4. discount on eyeglasses frames
  5. Or discount on eyeglasses frames for kids

Ask yourself, what kind of content best serves the keyword?

In this case, it would obviously be a selection of kid’s eyeglasses for sale. From the first term, you can’t even tell if the person is looking for eyeglasses or drinking glasses.

And even for the second, the person might just be looking for pictures of eyeglasses; there is no clear intent to buy. An e-commerce business is mostly going to be trying to rank for commercial keywords.

Google’s founders have said that the perfect search engine would serve only one result. You want to be that one result that satisfies the searcher’s need so they don’t bounce back to the search results, looking for a better answer.

Step 5: Conceptualize the Content

To rank a keyword there is a lot of ways available like –

  1. An article
  2. A blog post (Best Way)
  3. A product page
  4. An index or directory of links (to other pages on your site or around the web)
  5. An authoritative guide
  6. An infographic
  7. A video (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion)

So, Now it’s up to you which method suits your need and by using that you can rank your keyword.

How long will it take to create the content?

Who should create it?

Will you be doing everything in-house or outsourcing?

Do you have all the resources and budget you need?

Don’t get defeated: No matter your size or your budget, you have the ability to create a blog post. Content like infographics and videos will require more resources. You can use Canva to create awesome infographics.

Sometimes, the best way to answer a search query is with some sort of tool, like a mortgage calculator. If this is the case, you’ll need engineering resources.

Step 6: Execute

More and more, search engines are looking for high-quality content that benefits the searcher, not keyword-stuffed spam or pages full of ads that only benefit you.

If you’d rather buy traffic than put in the effort it requires to earn “free” organic search traffic, investigate PPC. “SEO isn’t easy” should be your mantra.

Follow every step properly and then execute your plan. Don’t make a rush on the Internet. Be a little slow, but produce the valuable thing. It will help you in long run.

Step 7: Optimize for Your Keyword

Keyword Optimization is very important, It comes while you are writing a content. Keep all of the On-Page SEO Checklist in mind.

This is where the list of keywords you formulated in step 2 comes in. Leverage those keywords where you can in your content, but not to the point of sounding like a crazy robot.

Remember that there are a lot of “invisible” places for keywords, and I’m not talking about using white text on a white background or anything else that violates Google guidelines.

I mean stuff like image file names, Image alternate text, text on the image, video file name, Use Keywords In Comments and more – users won’t see these if they’re not looking for them, but they can increase your keyword rankings.

It will also increase your keyword density.

Before hitting Publish button, Most check You have used the keywords (optimized keywords) in the below give amazing places.

  1. Alt text of Image
  2. Image name
  3. Image description
  4. Text on the image
  5. In the URL
  6. Include in title
  7. In Meta Description
  8. Video name
  9. In the first paragraph of copy
  10. Once in H1 and H2 tag
  11. Include In comments also

This will help you most in rank a keyword on Search Engines.

Step 8: Publish

Now it’s time to show your content to the world. Depending on the type of content it is, you may need to be careful about scheduling this step.

If You are promoting your content through YouTube channel then you should very specific towards your content and publish time. An Accurate Publish may lead you to the YouTube trending page.

This isn’t usually a consideration for evergreen content, but it may be important for content that’s tied to something in the news, an event or a trend.

Sometimes you may need to very specific with the time of publishing. It generally happens with news content (trending topics). Because you know news becomes old very Soon and people lose interests in that.

Step 9: Promote

This is an Important step which you need to follow immediately after pushing your content on the internet.

Make sure you do what you can to get your content in front of as many eyeballs as possible before it even has a chance to rank for the keyword:

Here is something you can do:-

1. Share your content with your Network – You can share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin. Google Plus For this, you can use your business as well as your personal accounts too.

Even you can use Stumbleupon to Stumble your Post.

This is why you should grow your audience or followers.

How to rank a keyword in 10 steps


2. Use social buttons or widgets on your site to promote independent sharing – Make it easy for readers and viewers to keep the chain going. They’re more likely to tweet or share your article if all they have to do is click a button.

3. Build links to your content – You don’t know What will happen to your content in future. yet, Link Building is an amazing thing which you need to do. You can get and generate backlinks in many ways.

Follow this guide to know how – 105 ways to gain high-quality backlinks.

Accruing page views and social shares will help you accrue links, which will help you earn that ranking.

Step 10: Analyze

You’re not quite done yet! keyword ranking is a Continuous process. you always have to analyze your competitors.

You know, the web is a living medium, and it’s never too late to better optimize your content.

Check your keyword rankings manually (be sure you’re signed out and not seeing overly personalized results) or with a rank checking tool.

Also, use your analytics to see what keywords your content is actually ranking for – they might not be the exact ones you initially targeted.

Ranking for Other keywords than targeted. Aww, it happens.

If, after a couple of weeks or so, you’re not ranking for the right keywords, you have more work to do. Make sure that your content:

1. Is truly optimized (Minify HTML and CSS Elements, Use Optimized Images)

2. Is truly high-quality (Contents Should be deep and rich)

3. Should be truly visible (Readability should be 100%)

It’s also possible that the keyword you chose is too competitive and you need to scale back your ambition. Try targeting less competitive keywords until you’ve built up more authority.

That’s it! Whatever your business niche, you can make the same process work for you. So GET STARTED!

So, I think the topic “How to rank a keyword?” is clear to you now. Just Follow the implements and You Will rock One day. Good Luck

Comments (43)

  1. shivi parasar

    Hello sir,

    I just went out through your video on off page seo which was very informative. Thank you for giving us useful information.

  2. Akhilesh Kumar

    Nice post with a great quality of content. This is really helpful content. Thanks for sharing such an informative

  3. Thanks for sharing the nice article, I have been finding it very tough to rank a keyword which is not hard to rank, I have written an article, I created a lot of backlinks, still its stuck in 9th page, I am not sure what’s the issue.

  4. aashqeen

    Thank you for this informative blog. It’s a really helpful post for a blogger sir, who just started a website and your 40 minutes live keyword ranking video is superb, Keep working. Thanks sir.

  5. Nasim Khan

    Thanks for information and helpful article

  6. Nick Jonas Biography

    Thanks, this article is really helpful. It is the best I have seen online

  7. Yes your some tips working. I follow you on youtube. Ravi bhai

  8. Sir , you are amazing , this article so helpful.
    Tahnks for sharing great information.

  9. Great post Sir, It’s really helpful.

    One question, Can we use 2-3 keywords for single page niche website?

    For example:

    xyz keyword has 18000/mo traffic with cpc of 1.2$


    abc keyword has 42000/mo traffic with cpc of 4.4$

    both words abc & xyz are somehow interrelated. Can I use both keywords on the same page? and it will work?

    And can we outrank .gov website? because the keyword I am targeting is used on the GOV website, and it’s by default on top ranking of Google. First 3-5 posts belong to the same .gov website. But Google keyword planner and other kwfinder sites are still saying that difficulty is low.

    1. For you, the better option is to give it a try. Try the interrelated keywords. I am sure that it will work rank. But in terms of CPC, you can get a clear idea after this experiment. I am glad that you asked this.

  10. Thank you very much for this informative post. this helps me a lot , now my doubts are cleared. you explained very well. keep posting useful stuff like this. Good job.

    1. You made my day, Thank You

  11. ANAND

    I have done all these. One keyword of my posts ranked well. But it now decreased. why?

  12. Thank you sir it’s nice information and very helpful for me.alwasy keep you supporting nature sir

  13. All tips are having great value. thanks for sharing.

  14. very nice information about ranking factor. This one is very useful to me.
    Thanks for sharing with us such a good blog post.

  15. Mehak

    Hello sir

    It’s a really helpful post for me I just started a website. And your 40 minutes live keyword ranking video is superb, Keep working… Nice work.
    Thank You,

    1. Hey, thanks you have made my day.kepp working to get bigger achievement on you blog

  16. Nice Post

    1. Yap, I hope you will be able to rank your website and posts after this.

  17. Thank you sharing good information . we have a seo agency we are providing seo services.

  18. Hello Ravi
    Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. I will follow this step definitely.
    Appreciate it for your great effort.

  19. Sir Nice Post I am following your tips….it was great

    hyderabad Car Rental

    1. Nice to listen this from you.ya post ranking needs some effort and strategy

  20. Prakash

    Great information for beginners.


    1. Ya, You are right, Post Ranking is a prime task for beginners

  21. MN Hemant

    Really helpful information. Thanks a lot and keep helping like this

  22. Great article sir, I will try at all point for my website. I want to rank my website. my website provides worldwide celebrity news and updates. please visit and tell me how to rank my website.

    1. Thanks keep visiting

  23. Hello Ravi,
    My competitor website’s domain is 4 years old than my domain. Can I rank better than my competitor with 6 months?

    1. Yes You can, But tings will work little slowly and Mostly it depends on Your Competitor approach

  24. Techno Help

    Thank you so much sir…this article is really very helpful for me from techno help family.

    1. Thank u Techno Help, Keep Loving. This article is very helpful for ranking a Keyword

  25. Thank you for this informative blog. It is very useful for me and I will be sharing this on our social media feeds.

    1. Well, Thank You, Keep loving and keep reading

    why this blog can’t getting rank, it is already in indexing.

    1. Work on google trends, and write some posts on trending topics, create some backlinks daily wise and do proper on-page SEO. It will help you

  27. Hey To rank a keyword, the process is same…It will not be affected by niche. Now it’s your turn to find relevant keyword for your niche and your blog. The keyword should be less competitive and with high search volume. Use Google Keyword Planner. Thanks

  28. Sayan Samanta

    Hey Ravi,

    It’s a really helpful post for a beginner, who just started a website and your 40 minutes live keyword ranking video is superb, Keep working… Nice work.

    1. Yes, It will help everybody Who Wants to rank a Keyword in SERP’s. Well Keep Visiting

  29. You welcome, these tips will help you to rank your keyword, Follow Properly

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    By the way “How to rank a Keyword” this is an awesome post-Sir…Love U sir.Keep Helping Us

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