Why is it essential to avoid keyword stuffing in 2019?
Why is it essential to avoid keyword stuffing in 2019?
I am dealing with keyword stuffing in this article. Keywords add value to written content and make it easy for users to visit your website. Have you ever thought about how does this mechanism work? Consider that you need your website to be listed against the keyword “Free Blogging Course Online”.
This means that when users type this phrase in the Google search box, your website should be displayed on the screen. If you have not included this phrase in the content, your website would not appear among the list of results and people would not be able to visit it.
Now, here you need to understand that keyword stuffing is not the same as inserting keywords properly. It’s always valuable for you to check keyword density every time you post content on your site. It is an important part of SEO. Your keyword density should always be in between 1 to 3 percent for better SEO. You can get help from Prepostseo to effectively evaluate your keyword density of the content.

Gauging the difference between keyword stuffing and insertion
As it is mentioned above, there is a lot of difference between keyword stuffing and insertion. Keyword stuffing was taken as a positive aspect in the early SEO days. At that time, websites attained traffic on the basis of the keywords they had. Websites that had a greater count of keywords attained better SEO ranks.
However, this is not the case at the moment. Today, quality content is necessary for a website to capture high ranks. Keywords have to be used but only when the need is there. Today, keyword stuffing is taken as a negative act and reputed websites avoid it. It’s a part of blackhat SEO now.
Here are some main reasons why keyword stuffing is a big NO.
The web content loses readability
How do people decide whether a website is preferable for them or not? To start with, they check the reputation of the website. A simple fact is that websites need to publish quality readable content to be ranked highly.
You can only come up with quality content if the correct keywords have been used with the right density. The keyword density depends on the word count written. For instance, the keyword density of a 500-word blog would not be the same as the one which has a content length of 1000 words. You can use the Yoast SEO plugin to analyze the density of your Blog keywords
For example, consider the text segment below.
“The best red pillows can be brought from the Ken Store which sells red pillows at economical rates. You cannot find such quality red pillows and no other brand sells red pillows at such economical prices.”
If you have a close watch at the text segment written above, it is quite obvious that the keyword “red pillows” has been used too much. This is spoiling the overall impression of the written content. This is exactly what keyword stuffing does. It results in the reader losing interest on an immediate scale.
Keyword stuffing reduces SEO position
It is a known fact that websites which are ranked on the first page of Google results get more traffic and conversions than the ones which have lower ranks.
Do you know why some websites are able to get better ranks than the others? There are various factors which come into play. First of all, the quality of written content is a decisive parameter.
The provision of quality content is an integral step for generating healthy conversion rates. Let us go through a proper example to grab more understanding. All of us buy things online and we visit several websites for this purpose.
We select a website which impresses us most in terms of content. It is obvious that we would like to gather as much information about a product as possible before we take the decision of buying it. At times, companies lose sales even if they have the best products because the content is not appealing enough. Thus, paying attention to content is important.
Keyword stuffing is a clear sign that the brand has not executed a proper keyword planning process. Brands that execute a keyword planning procedure do stuff keywords. Reputed brands do use keywords with the correct density so that these targeted phrases gel with the remaining part of the content. Brand owners have to be sure that they have extracted the correct keywords and they have been used with the correct ratio.
Be ready for Google penalties
The eventual goal of every website is to score a high rank according to Google standards. It is obvious that this is not possible if you are violating any of the conditions. Google gives immense importance to content quality. Websites which present low standard content are heavily penalized. In addition to that, they are unable to book a top SEO slot.
In accordance with the policies of Google, keyword stuffing is a negative act and websites which use it fail to make it to the first page. You need to be sure that the written content has to be natural and readers should be convinced about reading each line.
If keywords have been used in an unnatural manner, it would be hard for users to retain interest and go through each line with concentration. Lastly, keyword stuffing is a clear violation of Google standards so it should be avoided.
Summing It Up
If you are a website owner, you should have a clear awareness of keyword stuffing and how it can damage the reputation of your website. To start with, you should know about the keyword density that suits your content. This would depend on the length of written content.
Make the use of keywords natural and the users should not feel that they are being used without a
Keyword stuffing is not counted as a positive SEO technique. Even if your website gets traffic due to keyword stuffing, serious buyers would not be convinced in any manner. This is because, in terms of content quality, the expectations of the users would not be met.
The natural use of correct keywords helps a website in getting a high rank. For this purpose, it is always recommended to use a proper keyword planning tool like Google Keyword Planner.
If you have any query or suggestion feel free to comment down. I would love to answer them.
Comments (2)
Nice Post Thank You
Very nice information. I wanted to know the disadvantages of adding more keywords and you told me. Thank you very much.
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