For ranking any website SEO is must. We will be learning Job Portal SEO in detail here including the fixation of Job schema errors and On-page and Off page analysis of Job websites.
Know how will you make money from your job website. We have also discussed future of job websites and selling Affiliate and WooCommerce Products from them.
In this section we are going to cover all the aspects which can be used to optimize a WordPress Website for better speed, better ranking and overall optimal performance. We will see GTmetrix, Google Pagespeed and Cloudflare in this section
Hi, Welcome to our First Tutorial of Job Portals Mastery. Today we are going to learn how to start a job website. What are all the primary requirements we have?
What we will see in this Tutorial?
Domain Selection For a Job Portal
Hosting Selection For a Job Portal
Importance of a good domain name and a hosting plan
Should you start with free BlogSpot or blogging platforms?
Sanjana Roy
1st I will go through free blogger with domain in future I will go WordPress
OK Ravi
It will be a time pass Sanjana. I will not recommend the same.
Paresh Baidya
Sir, if I have any query how can I contact you?
OK Ravi
Hi Paresh,
You can comment on any video or you can email or WhatsApp me. My Email Id and WhatsApp Link are given in website Footer or on contact us page.
Thanks for asking.