PBN Backlinks – Are PBN Safe | How to Build PBN?

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PBN Backlinks – Are PBN Safe | How to Build PBN?

Today I will discuss PBN Backlinks. Is PBN(private Blog Networks) Safe? What are the merits and demerits of PBN backlinks? How PBN help you to rank? I will discuss all the facts about PBN backlinks from beginner level to advance level. So, Let’s Start this PBN guide.This guide will help you to create Private Blog networks for yourself.

Note: As a professional Blogger I would never recommend you to create your own Private Network Blogs to create PBN backlinks.

In google aspect, it is just a violation of terms and policies. You might be penalized and your domain can be blacklisted.

But Still, people are doing this. So I have decided to tell you all the facts about PBN backlinks including its merits, demerits, and consequences.

In this article, I am going deep into the world of PBN (private blog networks).

Starting from the absolute basics, we’ll be guiding you through how to setup, manage, and use a PBN in 2018.

With over 3000 words everybody can learn something new here.

So, let’s go with the flow

What is a PBN & PBN Backlinks?

A PBN (private blog network) is a series of authoritative sites which you create personally to build links to your Primary Website. The main purpose of building a PBN is to Rank High in SERP’s.

As I have already discussed “105 ways to Build backlinks to your site”. I already have mentioned in that building a private Blog network is not recommended.

But If you are doing it. Do this with very caution. The most important fact you have to know about this is there should be any relation in between your PBN’s. They do not relate to each other in any way.

Websites/Blogs Should be unrelated to each other, therefore your links are counted as natural links.

As you might know getting backlinks from own sites are never recommended.

This diagram will depict the clear picture of PBN Networks.

PBn backlinks private Blog Network structure

The structure looks like a pyramid and, as time goes on, you’re increasing the “link juice” to all of these sites strengthening the power of each link.

Is PBN against Google guidelines?

Absolutely, It is. Google wants you to promote through Google Adwords in order to get traffic. In the similar Fashion, Facebook is doing and promoting its kinds of stuff. Like you can see for everything

Whether you have to get page likes, To increase engagement, to increase traffic, To increase leads, To generate sales and many more. there is a different type of Facebook ad campaign categories.

No company wants you to grow in free with making a series of Private Blog networks.

Google will not tolerate this if you caught. But yet People are doing this and it is beneficial for them.

Google Targets Sites using PBN with manual action Ranking penalties.

Why PBN still Works?

You know links are very important backlinks factor. So, we are greedy to get high-quality backlinks always. We try a lot of things to get high-quality backlinks. Let me give you a clear idea, what people generally do –

1. Directory Submission

2. Guest posting

3. Web 2.0 Submission

4. Forum and Blogs commenting

and many more things they do to rank their websites/blogs.

PBN turns out that backlinks, even though there’s some noise and certainly a lot of spam, for the most part are still a really really big win in terms of quality of search results.

That is a quote from Matt Cutts when asked about excluding backlink relevancy from the algorithm.

Read also- 105 ways to gain high-quality Backlinks?

Why is PBN still helpful?

Websites that form a PBN are regarded by Google as authoritative, this makes this PBN building strategy effective. Here, you are not receiving links from some brand new website, nor a spammy untrustworthy one, you are receiving links from a popular website and Google Algorithms Loves it.

To understand how this works here is a figurative example…

In Chicago there is an initiative was launched in 2011 to clean the whole city,  For this, they have made a website cleanchicagosreets.com.

This initiative gained a lot of popularity and soon it was featured on local news and government sites. Here it got good quality of backlinks from authoritative sites.

They raised enough publicity and money to follow their plan. And they did, all within a year.

But after one year in 2012, Now their website is no longer needed, So rather than renew the hosting and domain they left it for expiring.

This is a domain that has links from local government websites and local news websites. And because it has links from these highly trustworthy sites, Google also presumes this website is trustworthy.

Time goes and a [Person like me who do SEO has seen that Website. After looking at the metrics I found the site trustworthy and authoritative, then I purchase it from any domain registrar to use for their PBN.

That is in essence, how domains are found. people generally look for expired domain due to this prime reasons.

Between 30,000 – 50,000 domains expire every day, many of which will have good ‘metrics’ for a PBN.

Metrics to Measure an Expired Domain

By the way, there are 4 aspects on which a domain is measured but 1 and 2 is sufficient –

Here it is –

DA – Domain Authority by Moz.com
PA – Page Authority by Moz.com
TF – Trust Flow by Majestic.com
CF – Citation Flow by Majestic.com

I have a little bit of technical Knowlege of these terms. So let’s see it one by one-

Domain Authority – Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how well website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). A Domain Authority score ranges from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank. find more here.

Page Authority – Page Authority (PA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a specific page will rank on search engine result pages (SERP). Page Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank.  Find More on MOZ.

Trust Flow – Trust Flow is a number predicting how trustworthy a page is based on how trustworthy sites tend to link to trustworthy neighbors.

Citation Flow – Citation Flow is a number of predicting how influential a URL might be based on how many sites link to it.

Find more about TF and CF here

Here is a quick reference guide on what to look for:

DA – 18+
TF – 13+
CF – 15+

If you are buying a domain for private blog networks they buy after following the above criteria. Some more things you can see which are explained below-

Referring Domains – This will give you an exact idea of no of websites which are linked to that look up a domain you are finding. Anything over 50 is good.

No of Backlinks – this is the no of links that a website/blog have. If you single website links to the domain 3 times, then it means you have 3 backlinks but only 1 referring domain. Make sure you check these before purchasing an expired domain.

Anchor Text -This is the text people use when linking to the website. Look to see if they contain a brand name (which is normal) LIKE IN MY CASE when I comment I use “Okey Ravi”. So, you have to avoid ones that are: heavily keyword targeted, have big brand names that are often associated with the selling of fake goods

How to Build a PBN (Private Blog network)?

So, to build PBN Your primary lookup is to grab some good amount of high authoritative domains. I have suggested you to buy an expired domain, keep some import criteria (above mentioned), in mind.

Once you have bought an expired domain. Now you have to host your site. for this, you need to buy Hosting Plan. For buying a hosting Plan I generally prefers Godaddy, Bluehost, and Namecheap.

Here is the list of trusted hosting providers –

[table id=17 /]

You can follow this guide to build an amazing site in minutes. Have a look –

How to create a WordPress Site Step by Step?

You need to keep posting on your PBN sites also to maintain the authority and get and sell PBN Backlinks from them.

Wrapping Up

Now You understood the clear idea of PBN backlinks, If you are creating a Private Blog Network then move your steps with Caution. Don’t mismatch them. Use different identities. I hope things will go in a good manner. good Luck.

If you have any query then you can ask below.

Comments (3)

  1. Bhbupendra Kaneria

    Thank You! Ravi, I just want to offer you a big thumbs up for the great info you have right here on this post. Finally, I found what I am looking for.

    1. User Avatar

      Thank you so much. Follow pbn backlinks rules

  2. Ken Morgan

    Thank you for this interesting post. At first I don’t really know how PBN’s work, but after reading this it does make sense. But for me, there are pros and cons when applying this strategy. PBN is working with my site, with the help of Proper PBN (http://properpbn.com/). So far, my site is ranking and never experienced that it penalized my site. We’re just very careful on the strategy we’re applying.

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