How to Fix This Page isn’t eligible to have a username

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How to Fix This Page isn’t eligible to have a username

How to Fix This Page isn’t eligible to have a username

Hello, guys, Today I am going to talk about a general Problem of Facebook “This Page isn’t eligible to have a username“. You will face this issue when You just have created a Fb Fan Page or Simple Page and You want to create a username for that page.

But the criteria to create a Username is “Your Facebook should be six months old” or Your Page Must have at least 25 Likes”. So let’s See-

Don’t want to Read Then Watch this –

How to Set a username on your Facebook Page Which doesn’t have any Like and Page is new i.e Just created?

Here are the steps Which You Have to Follow –

#1. Open You Page For which You want To create a username.Like mine is “Okey Ravi”

#2.  Go to Settings in Top Right Corner

#3. Open Page Roles. Here You have to assign a friend of yours to Admin

#4. Once You make Your friend Admin then Open Your Facebook Page to Friends Fb Account to create a username.As you know Your Friend is admin Now So, He/She Have all privileges like You.Now your friend is eligible to create a username.

#5. Go To About Section and click on Create@usrname | If already create then You cam change Username also

#6. Assign Some available Username to your Page and Click on “Create username Option“.Here You have to try combinations show that You can get a page username which is available.

#7. Now You are all done and You just have created a username for Your Page which doesn’t have any like and the page is also just created.

If You need any help then Comment below & if You want to appreciate then also comment.Thanks a lot.

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Comments (6)

  1. good!


    I tried these for several times. When I want to change Username from my friend’s account is shows ‘You’re not eligible to create a username’

  3. Thank you sir, It still works like a charm.

  4. nice information it’s working thanks

    1. User Avatar

      I am glad that it helped!

  5. nikhil sharma

    Hey webmaster very nice article.Thanks for sharing this article.

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