Top 25 Google Adsense High CPC keywords 2019 Edition

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Top 25 Google Adsense High CPC keywords 2019 Edition

Top 25 Google Adsense High CPC keywords 2019 Edition – Do you know which are the high CPC Keywords? How to utilize them? How to attract more high CPC ads to your site? Here, In this Blog, I am going to share you, top 100 Google Adsense High CPC Keywords which will generate 100% better revenue for your blogs and websites.

Top 25 Google Adsense High CPC keywords

Hello everybody, Getting high CPC keyword on your blog is not so easy. Google Adwords and Other Ad networks have their own policies for serving ads to the different site. It also depends on where an Advertiser wants to show his/her ads i.e target audience and target content.

Which ads will appear on a site depends on mostly on these three things –

1. What are you serving? – What is your Blog niche and what contents you share on your Blog or Websites? For Ex- If your blog is about providing loan or contents related to loan then your blog will get credit, finance, refinance and other loan-based ads which really have a high CPC.

2. A visitor interest – What are the nice fucking things a visitor to your site has looked before coming to you? For example – If you have just search or visited some E-commerce sites for buying a shoe then, When you visit some other site at that time or maybe later, then you will get ads of shoe and other products of that E-commerce sites.

This is what we call Intrest based ads serving quality to increase sells and other things.

3. Serve to all-purpose based ads  – This category is different from above categories where you get ads may be out of your interests. Do you know why?

The answer is very simple. Let you have an XYG company and you want to promote your company, your products, and other things. Then you made a campaign in Google Adwords,  Facebook or any other ad-providing networks then there is an option to choose the target audience.

Top 25 Google Adsense High CPC keywords 2018 Edition

So, if you choose all and all category type audience network then these ads will be available for everyone on any content. As you see the Bitcoin ads these days. they are making it a revolution in the world.

Read Also: Admob Invalid Clicks, How Google decides a click is valid or Invalid?

List of  Top 25 Google Adsense High CPC keywords

The list I am sharing here is High CPC keyword. But the CPC does not remain same always.

It is variable and changes according to these things you must know –

1. Publishers Country – Where the ads are being published is very important to decide CPC.

2. How much old your blog is? ( You blog may gain High CPC ads but Your Visitor will not get the full revenue because your Blog or Website is new. A Blog CPC grows slowly. The much you old the much you get.

3. Traffic of your Website

4. Traffic location (As you know Developed country like the UK, USA and Canada have high CPC while India, Pakistan, Bangladesh have relatively very low CPC.

5. Blog Niche and Content – Blog Niche and Contents are very important to get high CPC ads. For example- Loan Keywords is a high CPC keyword and If you make your blog based on Loans, mortgages and insurance then automatically your blog will get high CPC ads.

6. Session Duration and Bounce rate of your Website – A website having high session rate and low bounce rate are counted in very engaging. The mush you are able to engage someone on your site the more good CPC ads you will get. A Session of 5-10 minutes and a bounce rate below 50%is awesome.

If you are a beginner then it’s really hard to get this, But you have to focus on your content. the more time you spends on your blog the more you learn and the more you deliver. It’s a fact. You can’t go away from it. if you want to find yourself top on Blogging mountain.

Top 25 High CPC Keywords list

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What makes these Keywords Costly?

Choosing a bidding strategy based on your goals

Every time someone searches on Google, AdWords runs an auction to determine the ads that show on the search results page, and their rank on the page.

To place your ads in this auction, you first have to choose how you’d like to bid. Try choosing a bidding strategy based on your goals, like whether you want to focus on getting clicks, impressions, or conversions.

If you want to know more about this you can read it on Google Support here – How costs are calculated in Adwords?

What can be the highest CPC Limit?

This is a common question every blogger asks – How much maximum I can get on an ad click? There is no fixed limit, But i can say based on my experiences it will be $500. The CPC ranges from 0.01 to $500 on an average.

But you know sometimes commission can be higher than this limit. For example, you get a click with a purchase of 10000$ and I hope you have 10% commission on that, then for you that click will give you 1000$. ahhh… awesome

This is the basic of Affiliate marketing, where there is a commission on each sale and so higher rates of commission rates and high ranges purchase will make you a billionaire.

Here I am sharing you some Screenshots of Google Adsense Earning for a single impression click. Have a look and analyze what’s going around?

Top 25 Google Adsense High CPC keywords 2018 Edition

I hope you might understood all the things.


So, If you want to get high CPC ads on your Blog and Websites then you need to follow these things –

1. Choose one of the above-specified Keywords for your blog. You can choose other also which have high CPC.

2. Select your target audience and location.

3. Do Proper SEO for your posts. So, that you can get more page views. More page views lead to more click and more click means more money.

Related Read: 105 ways to get high-quality backlinks

Comments (8)

  1. Lokesh vijay

    very nice and amazing article you have shared and one question please how can we find new keywords which have high cpc . thank you sir

  2. Anupam Shakya

    Very Useful Article Sir, Thanks For Sharing!!

  3. Puran Mal Meena

    Very good information This post helped me a lot Thanks for sharing this post.

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      Thanks, you made my day..keep working hard

  4. Sagar Mahale

    Thank You sir very nice article,I was trying to approve adsense on my site but more than 3 times, my website are not approved, I hope with your instruction, my adsense account will be approved, thank you sir

    1. User Avatar

      Yes Sure, You Will Get the Adsense Approval, If Not Contact me. I will tell You what You need to Chance for getting An Adsense Approval

  5. ravi

    bro kya site banayi hai osam

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      Thank You

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