iPage Hosting Affiliate Program Review – Complete Scam & Fraud

Affiliate Marketing / Make Money Online

iPage Hosting Affiliate Program Review – Complete Scam & Fraud

iPage Affiliate program reviewiPage Affiliate is a complete scam as per our opinion. Have you ever joined the iPage Hosting Affiliate program? Have you got your affiliate payment by iPage? Please comment on it.

You must want to know why we are saying Ipage Hosting Affiliate Program is a complete scam. Well, our motive for writing this post is the same. We will discuss it here in detail.

iPage Affiliate Program Signup
iPage Affiliate Program Signup

Why iPage Hosting Affiliate program is a scam?

iPage says “Become an affiliate and you’ll earn up to $150 per sale!”

This is total bullshit. They never make their promises.

I and my blogger friends have joined the iPage Affiliate program in July 2019. Being a blogger I usually promote Interserver, BlueHost, Siteground, NameCheap and HostGator hosting to my loyal audience whoever wants to create a website from scratch.

If someone like you orders a website designing for their business or Blog then in those cases also we usually provide one the hosting mentioned above based on their budget.

Mostly we recommend Interserver Unlimited Hosting.

So, If you ask me what are all the hosting Affiliate programs I have joined then I will say almost all who provide good services and Good affiliate income.

We have joined the iPage affiliate program through Cj Affiliate thinking that we can earn good affiliate income. As the lowest affiliate income on Ipage is 85$ if you join through CJ affiliate. We were happy to see such a good affiliate commission provider.

We started promoting the iPage products

After joining the iPage affiliate through Commission Junction. I have placed one iPage product ad on my website through which I got two sales in a month period. So, I earned $170.

My friend has also promoted iPage to their digital marketing students and he got 5 sales and earned $425 commission in total.

We were happy 🙂 🙂 that we have made some commissions in the first month itself from iPage.

iPage Affiliate Commission on hold

Almost all Hosting Affiliate programs have a locking period. It is ranged from 30 to 90 days based on the company. As in the case of iPage, it is 45 to 60 days and in the case of Interserver and Bluehost, it is 90 days.

So, our affiliate commissions earned through iPage was on hold for 60 days. In between that period, our status was changed to locked on CJ Dashboard.

In Commission junction transaction report, if the status of the sale is changed to locked it simply means that the commission is eligible for payment now and has passed the locking period. The advertiser has to pay for this. There are no discrepancies in that.

Suddenly, the Status of Sale is changed to Closed

For your information, If a sale status is closed on CJ Affiliate Dashboard then it means the commission is paid properly to the publisher.


What the fuck??? We have not got any payment. Neither me nor my friend. How the sale status is closed without affiliate payment payout?

We started contacting CJ Support and iPage Support

Once we got that the sales are closed without payment. We started contacting Cj Support and iPage affiliate.

Here comes the main problem. Cj generally replies in two working days and iPage chat support is bullshit again. They will just ask you for more information and will promise you to pay for your commissions. But they will not.

When we contacted CJ Support they said that the advertiser is responsible for such things. They have closed your commissions. So, you should contact them for more information.

Here is the screenshot of their reply –

Ipage Affiliate program response from CJ Affiliate on Commissions

They have clearly mentioned that we have to reach out to the iPage as they have corrected the Affiliate commission outside of correction reason and date.

When I told this to iPage they said can you show us proof of CJ Affiliate where they said you to contact us.

See, the same thing is happening with my friend also.

We both have shown the proof and they said that we are escalating your case. Fucing bastards! They just give you hope nothing else.

They are not going to pay you. never Join such rubbish affiliate programs.

This is what I replied to CJ later –

Recent Chat with iPage support on the commission Fraud

Here is the last chat that I have done on October 5, 2019, for the same case which is ongoing sincle last 1 month. Worst Experience for the iPage affiliate program.

Hi Ravishankar. Welcome to Chat Support.

Please refer this chat 16958111

I am really sorry to know about the delay in response, definitely, I will check the status of the case To protect your account from unauthorized changes, can you please verify for me the answer to the Security Question: What was your title at your first job?

Test Engineer

Thank you for authentication.

Are you looking at the case?

I have reviewed the status of the case and the issue is the handoff to one of our affiliate team and they are working on it Yes Ravishankar.

wow, they are working on it for last 10 days and I haven’t got any mail or nothing

I am really sorry I can understand your concern about the issue

Why don’t you say that you will not pay the commissions? I am not the only one.

I am really sorry we do not have access to check more on the affiliate issue to check in our end, they are checking and they will provide the commission

Being a blogger I can see some, my friends, also going through this worst affiliate experience

I am really sorry about that.

No No please don’t make false promises looks like you guys are passing the time of publishers Otherwise it hardly takes 2 minutes to provide commissions As I am also running my own affiliate programs

I am really sorry about that.

If you can’t do anything just tell me. I will stop pinging you for this

I will hand over the case number to our manager to prioritize the issue and to provide details about the commission for you

Commission junction is saying..When t comes to the payout you closed the commissions without paying Sir, I understand But 10 days and not a single response look like you guys are running the nation..so busy man.

I am really sorry since the affiliate team is only having access we can not check commission details from our end.

That I know

I will inform the details about the delay in response and provide the commission

But hat are they doing That will be helpful I know nothing is going to happen. Still, I am curious to know the final result of this case.

I will prioritize the issue and to provide the response at the earliest.

Okay, Let’s see Thanks for your help I will wait for any update.

Thank you.

Please escalate this issue and ask them to provide a solution as soon as possible.

Sure I have already prioritized the issue to our manager and they will check with affiliate team to respond as soon as possible.

Okey Cool

Is there anything else I can assist you with?

No just this

Thank you for chatting with us. Please feel free to contact us at any time. We are available 24×7.

Conclusion – iPage Affiliate Program Review

If you are thinking to join the iPage affiliate program either from their website or through Cj Affiliate then it’s a big no from our side.

We will never recommend you. Join it at your own risk.

On the internet, there are so many stories published where the publisher has clearly mentioned that the iPage never paid their commission and they cheated.

In our case, it was only $170 and $425. Not a big loss. But there are people whom I now have lost $2000 through iPage affiliate.

Thanks for reading this post.

If you have also experienced this then do comment below.

Have a good day!

Comments (4)

  1. John Doe

    Hey, the chat representative really does not have any control over the affiliate issues. They just forward it to the US team and there are more than 2k pending tickets unresolved for 2 years. You guys can forget about the payment.

    1. User Avatar

      Hi John,

      I forget this a year ago. Just wrote this article to let people know about the reality of the iPage affiliate program.

      OK Ravi

  2. Emmanuel

    iPage affiliate program is one of the worst service ever. It’s a total scam. I have experienced the same thing as what you went through Ravi. First, I contacted iPage through their live chat link, and they said, that affiliates are being handled by a third-party service, and I should email them(affiliates@ipage-inc.com), and I did, that was on August 13th 2020, and now at the time of this writing its August 22nd 2020, close to 10 days now, and I have not got a single response from the email I sent.

    Now 5 days back, I complained again through their live chat link, and they told me that normally, it takes 48-72 hours for them to respond, and I said it has been close to 5 days and nothing has happened, so the representative said that he is going to escalate it to their specialists and have assigned me a special ticket number so as to scale the response as their team is so busy, and I am like busy to respond to a very simple question? do they have like a million affiliates? but that response of being busy was not making sense to me. And so I said okay, I noted down the ticket number, 3 days went by and no response and I contacted them again, and all they could say was that they are escalating it to their specialists.

    And I got angry and started spewing shit to them. Most of what you have said to them, I did the same thing.

    It’s so funny, a simple response to a simple question has taken almost 10 days now and they don’t have a response.

    My commissions are just stuck, I am just seeing them in my account, but I can not withdraw them.

    To be honest, if anyone is thinking of joining their affiliate program, just don’t. Even their hosting service is so poor, they have lots of hidden fees that they don’t tell you until your hosting is about to be renewed. Also, they have stupid ways of creating malware in your web files so as to force you to buy their security products that don’t do shit. iPage is the worst company to work with. Don’t use such a stupid company if you are thinking about it.

    1. User Avatar

      Thank You, Emmanuel. iPage is really a complete scam. Neither I am doing their affiliate nor I recommend iPage hosting to anyone.

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